Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Snow Event and Minestrone Soup

Well, it was a rude return from sunny Florida to a 'weather event' in Portland.  We don't call it a snow storm, because you never know what you're getting here. You could have snow, but more likely you'll get slush and ice.  After a week of non-stop weather hype, we finally did get a little skiff of snow. Meanwhile, the night before, I was at the store getting everything I would need to survive alone for 4 days, since 'dear husband' was out of town, and it would be me and the animals stuck on the hill!  I'm sure anyone from the East Coast laughs their heads off every time Portland goes into weather panic mode. In the end, we did get about two inches of snow, just enough to close schools and keep people off the roads.
On a cold day, nothing sounds better to me than soup, so I put together a pot of Minestrone that I adapted from a recipe.  Measurements are approximate, and you can adjust to fit your needs.  This soup freezes really well, so it's great to put some away for later.

Vickie's Minestrone Soup
Saute 1 small onion with about 4 cloves of Garlic in Olive Oil
add 6 diced slices of Canadian Bacon
add 2 cartons of Chicken Broth
1 large can of diced Tomatoes
2 sliced zucchini
1 ea. diced Green and Red Pepper
3/4 c sliced Carrots
1 Anaheim Pepper diced
1 can White Beans
1 can Black Beans
add Dill, Italian Seasoning, 1 tsp red Pepper Flakes
2 Bay Leaves
simmer for 1 hour
1/2 hour before serving, add 1/2 c. Orzo
serve with a handful of fresh Spinach
top with Parmesan cheese
Serve with Olive French Bread...Yummy!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Art Deco in South Miami Beach

We were so impressed by the amazing amount of Art Deco Architecture in Miami Beach.  There's about a 20-block district that's protected by the National Register of Historic Places.  The buildings were built between 1910 to post-WWII.  However, most that are still standing were built in the 30's and 40's.
 Many of my favorite buildings were on Ocean Drive facing the beach.
I loved the clean lines on these buildings, accented by little decorative touches like this flower inlay.  Most of the buildings that I saw had nature or nautical-themed inlays.
This was the foyer of the hotel we stayed in.  Many of the places we visiting had white battery operated candles that looked very realistic and are on a timer to go on and off at a specific time. Perfect for a party.
Neon signs were big!  A nice part of the modern look.
Everyone was eating outside at these hotels...definitely a great place to people watch.
This building was my favorite.  Lots of these fun hotels had classic cars parked outside to match.  Haven't seen one of these DeSotos in ages. When I was little, we used to call them "Pig Cars!"
Another fun car that definitely adds to the ambience.
View from the beach of some stately palms and classic hotels.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Escape To Miami Beach- Lifeguard Stations

What better time to escape from Oregon than in February, when the holidays are over and there's nothing ahead but endless grey days. OK, grey at least until June, and many would argue July. We had to cash in air miles, so it seemed like a good idea to head for the farthest mainland US destination that we could find...Miami Beach and Key West.
 Wow, the beach...white sand, and turquoise water! 
 I was fascinated by these cute Little Lifeguard Stations.  They are so colorful.  Of course nobody swims at the beaches in the Pacific NW, so cute little Lifeguard Stations aren't party of my reality.
These were just a few of theses colorful little stations.  There are 16 on Miami Beach, and 29 total. 
Above, my favorite
  To me this is such an iconic East Coast beach scene...
For more photos and a history of the Lifeguard Stands of Miami Beach, check out:

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Tiny Trailers- A Girl Cave

 I was just sitting down to enjoy a yogurt and fruit breakfast and peruse the ETSY Blogs this morning when my friend, Barb called and said "'get your butt over here" to the Vintage Flea Market at the fairgrounds.  I'm not in the market for more stuff, and would probably have passed it by, but when she mentioned 'Blog Candy' she got me. 
 I'm glad that I went.  There were lots of great re-purposed items, but the thing that caught my eye were the tiny trailers from the 50's and 60's which had been restored inside and out. All the women I talked with were envisioning them as 'girl caves', offices, guest rooms or craft spaces when not being used as a vacation home. 
 Couldn't you just imagine, pulling into a campsite at Yellowstone and sitting in these cute little chairs?  You'd be right out of the pages of Sunset Magazine.
 Another cozy interior... Don't you just love the yellow oven?  When these trailers were at the height of popularity, the big colors were turquoise and pink.  Now you can find them restored in all colors and styles.
Awhile ago I bought this cool book on Teardrops and Tiny Trailers, which has the styles and history of these cute trailers.
My husband and I are not the do-it-yourself-restoration types, but I almost have him convinced to someday consider a new Teardrop and customize it for Oregon Duck Football games!