Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Putting Away the Christmas Ornaments

It's always with mixed feelings that we take down the Christmas Tree.  It seems that the season comes and goes so fast these with out of marker of school programs and Company Christmas parties.  We're empty nesters now, and most company parties have fallen victim to the Great Recession.
I couldn't find my main box of ornaments, but found these fun sparkly snowflakes to brighten up the tree. They just looked so pretty that I hated to put them away!
Years ago, and long forgotten, I'd purchased these Paper Mache' Pears, and they were fun and festive, and matched a beautiful Angel ornament that I'd found years ago.
Katie was just back from Spain and brought this lovely spun glass angel on one of her side trips to Prague.  All in all, it turned out to be a lovely Christmas with Dear Daughter back in the country, and 17 people and 5 dogs for the Christmas holiday.

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