Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Happy New Year from Manzanita

Happy 2013 from Manzanita, on the beautiful Oregon Coast.  We've been coming here on New Year's for years. 
 When the hustle and bustle of the holidays gets to be too much, I dream wistfully of being on the beach on New Years.  Last night we went to a cocktail party NY time, which ended at 10 PM.  The plan was to walk down Laneda Ave. at midnight and 'revel' with the party crowd getting out of the local Sand Dune Pub, but since it was cold and we were wimpy, we hunkered down with two cats and decided to check out the Polar Bear Plunge at a more civilized hour: http://www.oregonlive.com/news/index.ssf/2010/01/bold_cold_manzanita_crowd_take.html

Promptly at 11 AM about 100 brave souls stripped down to bathing suits and ran into the ocean to the sound of wild cheering and conch shell calls.
 There was a crowd of bundled up spectators there to cheer them on.  It was a beautiful, but chilly morning, with temps in the high 30's.
 Dear husband and I brought a bottle of champagne and two glasses to photograph a New Years greeting!
 And, then hurried home to enjoy a spinach and crab quiche which was warming in the oven.
 What a great start to the New Year!

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