Monday, March 10, 2014

Barrington Heights Book Club celebrates Lady Almina and The Real Downton Abbey with a Tea Party

 What better thing to do on a dreary January day than have a Tea Party?  Our Book Group read Lady Almina and the Real Downton Abbey, the book which the popular PBS Series is based on.  It was written by Lady Fiona Carnarvon, who  is married to the current Earl, and who took over Highclere Castle nine years ago.
I love the beautiful costumes, and decor from the series, so I asked everyone to wear a hat or fascinator and everyone rose to the occasion!   Some even wore vintage dresses!

We enjoyed Tea Sandwiches, Macaroons, Biscuits ( the British word for cookies!), and a Cranberry, feta, and Pecan Fruit Salad, Tea, and Champagne!~ Of course!  
 I cheated and made some of the sandwiches on wheat bread, but stuck to the traditional egg salad, turkey and the most popular, Curried Chicken!  Recipe follows.
 It's so much fun to have a neighborhood again, although we missed lovely Minny, who brought us all together and then had to move back to Ohio! 

My daughter says that our book club is just an excuse to drink wine and eat lovely snacks in the afternoon
 The Ladies really got into the spirit of things, mostly everyone wore hats or fascinators. ( L) Veronica, our playwright in residence and Nadia, a decorator extraordinaire ! 
Some wore very cool Vintage dresses.  Who knew MaryAnn (L), was an actress in a prior life?
 Here we are in all of our glory!  I'm in the back with a purple and black hat that was purchased in Minneapolis for another fun party!
 I like mixing things up on the platters, so it's easier for people to serve themselves
 Nadia looking very sporty! 
 Connie wore her Mom's hat from the 60's!
 Elaine styled it with a cute felted hat with hand beading!
 Yes, we really do discuss the books!

 Carla, borrowed something blue and looked very chic and Lady Maryish!
 MaryAnn said that her hat was over 100 years old!  It was still stylish and beautiful today!
A belle of the ball, right out of Downton!

 Everyone's Favorite sandwich filling. This would be perfect for an appetizer with crackers, as shown, or as a

  Tea Sandwich filling

2 cups, cooked, chopped chicken
4 green onions,  finely chopped
1/4 c Orange Marmalade
1 tsp curry powder*
salt /pepper
1/2 c chopped almonds
8 oz. softened cream cheese
1/2 c flaked coconut
* Just a touch of curry really gives this spread a great flavor!


  1. Oh What fun you have :)

    Looks like a wonderful event and I believe you when you say you talked about the book, lol :)

    I haven't had a Tea Party in a long time, I'm so lazy these days I just drag everyone to the Lady Di in L.O. :)

    Have a lovely evening, cheers, T. :)

  2. Hi T,

    Thanks for checking in! I love Lady Di in L.O. too! :-)


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