Friday, April 05, 2013

Yakima at Night

It was fun taking a walk after dark to check out the public art. We were pretty impressed to see how many fun pieces there were.
I loved this old revolving sign over a restaurant which I imagined to be from the 50's.  This is a hunting town, a small town, but one that's becoming a destination, famous for it's red wine, apples and cherries!

More art...
I love the Palm Trees.
  This could be right out of California in the 50's and 60's.  I remember when my parents were fascinated with everything Polynesian.  There was Tikki torches at their parties, drinks with umbrellas around the pool.  My parents never played Do Ho, but Dad loved the Brazilian Jazz of the time.  Anyone remember Trader Vic's?  Actually, I think Trader Joe's is making a comeback.

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