Sunday, April 22, 2012

Revisiting the Urban Cafe

 My Soul Sister, Barb, and I hadn't seen much of each other this year due to my traveling, her buying and selling a house, and deaths in both of our families, so we decided we needed a "Girl's Getaway"...funny, we used to call them "Mom's Getaway Weekends" but now our children are grown, and out of the house. 
 Astoria is always a favorite destination, and although we keep promising to try new places, we almost always end up at the Urban Cafe.  I love that the decor is always different and fun, and the food is consistently good.
 It's always interesting to see what they will do next.

 There were four of these tall vases with metal flowers, but I could only get one of them without disrupting dinners.  The last time we were here, this section was full of pink flamingos.
Five little pigs guard the kitchen...
We brought the four legged 'kids' to the beach, so we had to hurry home. The two dogs in the front, Molly and Lulu are mine, and the 'Bad Boy' Murphy, in the back is Barb's dog.  He's their brother from the same litter.  Murphy had to mark his territory to show the girls who was boss, otherwise he's as sweet as his sisters!

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