Saturday, October 01, 2011

Garden Girl- Garden Decor in Yakima, WA

Last week, 'Dear Husband' had a meeting at the new Suncadia Lodge in Roslyn, WA, so we stopped along the way for a little wine tasting and sight seeing.  
In Yakima,  I couldn't believe how beautifully decorated this garden shop called Garden Girl was

When we arrived, the shop was closed, but had lots of 'eye candy' with plants, urns and Garden Art, placed all around the building.  A true feast for the eyes.
  Isn't this about the most romantic thing you've ever seen? 
 Love the pumpkins and Stargazer Lillies.
Not to mention the chandelier!
Cute little ice cream chairs with pumpkins

Love the use of grasses and fresh Pansy's...
Love white pumpkins!  They last through winter and look great with winter berries and greens.
Lovely Kale and Potato Vines!
On our return trip, I didn't get to spend as much time in the store as I would have liked, since we were on our way back for a family dinner celebrating Rick's birthday. 
It was full of Halloween and Fall inspired treasures and I got some good decorating ideas.
Don't you just love this charming chandelier of old spoons and cups?
Love the Tin Stars below!  I was in such a hurry, but I wish I had purchased one. I did get some of the lovely Kale plants and a fun Halloween Deco that I'll feature in another post.


  1. Thank you so much! The pictures you took so capture how I feel. I love that! gg

  2. Amazing! cheap garden decor is hard to come by. especially good looking decor!


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