Sunday, September 18, 2011

Vintage Living Candy Shop in Manzanita

 If you long for the nostalgia of your childhood favorites, you have to check out this cool candy shop in Manzanita, OR.
It's nice to see this location a happy place again.  Everyday there a cute, new little dress at the front door, and a list of the featured goodies of the day.
Moon Pies, Wax Lips, Mars Bars...A kids dream!

I found my own favorite Abba-Zaba Bars, and was instantly transported back to walking home from the local Dairy Store, while enjoying my favorite candy in Linda Mar, CA. For the unenlightened, Abba-Zaba Bars are a taffy candy with a peanut butter like center. We won't even discuss the fact that they are a dental disaster waiting to happen...for an 8 year old, you're talking pure bliss!
The nostalgia continues, with cute 50's style aprons, and Unique Clocks
Special Occasion hats...
and a glass counter full of gourmet chocolates!  It's definitely worth a stop.

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