Friday, May 20, 2011

Painting at the Rhododendron Gardens

It's been such a rainy and busy Spring that the Art Buddies have had a hard time getting together and painting.  It seems that members of our group have been busy traveling, moving, working, or dealing with health issues, so our time together has been pretty hit and miss.  Sometimes impromptu works, so when it looked like we had a clear day, Joanie and I were able to grab our art supplies and head out to the Portland Rhododendron Gardens.
It was pretty crowded, but the flowers were beautiful, and we saw lots of lovely spots to paint from.
Due to the wet spring we've had, the Roddies were about a month behind, so the season will extend well past normal. There's so many things to paint, buildings, ducks, a bridge and foliage, that we know we have to come back in the fall.  The gardens were really lovely, and I tried to capture as many angles as I could for painting later.  I couldn't believe that in my haste to get on the road early in order to capture the early morning light, that I forgot my camera and had to use my cell phone.  
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