Saturday, May 28, 2011

Friends of the Library Pop Up Store

Earlier this month, the Friends of the Library Pop Up Store opened on NW 23, where the old Music Millennium store used to be.  The city is making it very attractive to non-profits to occupy vacant storefronts in the core downtown area.  It's a win win situation for both the city and the non-profit organizations. 
The store is supposed to only be open for two months, but there's the possibility of it staying open longer. 
In addition to over three thousand donated books, there's some amazing art work, cards, jewelry and gift items.
There's a great children's area which is totally user friendly for the kids to sit and look through books, and a chance for harried parents to get a chance to browse. The kids love being able to go through and read the books, and if Shelly's around, she's been known to drop everything to sit and read to them.
It's worth the trip downtown if you're looking for a good read, or a special gift or card.  Plus, the art is very reasonably priced too.  All the book sales go to the Multnomah Library for special programs, plus a  percentage of the art sales which are sold on consignment.  It's a great example of a win win situation for the Artists and the Library.
Above, some fun collage art, and below, some beautiful acrylic paintings that come framed and ready to hang in your home or office.  New art comes in daily, and new books come in every Wednesday.
There's a wonderful selection of cards....
Did I mention over 3,000 books?  I snapped up several barely used gardening books for under $5 each!
Stop by and check us out!

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