Monday, January 03, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

It was so cold on the Oregon Coast on New Year's Eve, but we took to the streets anyway, to celebrate the New Year, tearing ourselves away from a cut-throat game of Hearts, and the promise of berry pie!  Our friends Mark and Barb (above), brought the fun glasses and sparklers and we headed to the local Market, The Little Apple, to join about 60 other revellers and walk parade-style down to the ocean.  Did I mention that it was bitter cold, with a piercing east wind making us wish we had added more layers?   
Everyone was in a festive mood- some in fun hats, others wrapped in blankets, others, bundled in layers and waving champagne bottles.  For many years, we had come to the coast to celebrate and found nothing going on except the TV with poor, old Dick Clark doing the countdown in Times Square.  Skipping down Laneda Dr. was a welcome change.
Barb and DH were the center of attention with the sparklers.
Happy 2011!

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