Thursday, December 02, 2010

Painting Cards with the Art Buddies

It's been just a year since the Art Buddies met at Jude Siegal's Watercolor Journaling Class.  It's been amazing how far we've come.  We all agree that it's been motivating and fun to be accountable to each other, and to getting together on a regular basis has kept us all painting.  Above, JoAnn found some beautiful paintings that she salvaged  from a thrift shop.  One had a grocery list written on the back. It's nice to think that they've been given a new life.
Fall is a great time for vignettes with all the rich colors in the fruits and vegetables available.  Pears and squashes are amazing to paint with all their rich details.
JoAnn brings her sketchbook and paints everywhere.  Here, she captured sea life at the Newport Aquarium.
A fun card idea to paint the inside of a pomegranate and give the details for a cards.
Squash, with a fun border!
Leaves with a wet brush technique.
Joanie painted these lovely cards as a fundraiser for her church.
The cards were so pretty that people were matting and framing them!
We all took a turn at painting cards for a good cause.  It was so relaxing just to slow down and paint. We all are grateful for our group, and look forward to our time together!
It helps to have a space with great lighting.

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