Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Ultimate Beach Party

Well, the Big Date Night finally arrived.  We started out at Por Que No? Taqueria on Mississippi Ave.  If you go there, try the Bryan's Bowl. 
 Pre-concert people watching was the best.  We saw Fin Hats, Margarita Dresses, and lots of cool sunglasses. 
Crazy hats of all kinds...
 People brought their pets... 
 Attack Parrots... 
Some people even wore their Habits LOL...
 All in all, it was a fun Date Night!  Jimmy Buffet gave a rousing performance, two encores, with only one small break!  We left thinking of a tropical escape from the gloomy Oregon winter ahead! 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a blast!

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