Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Plein Air Painting

My Art Buddy, Roberta and I, took a watercolor painting class with Renee in Milwaukie last winter and spring terms.  Everyone talked about Renee's Plein Air painting sessions, so when she she sent out an email to former students that one was coming up, we rushed to register.  Now after today, I'm thinking Renee' might want to change the name to A Day In Provence, since I could just imagine Monet painting at every turn.  What a lovely, amazing place!
 Roberta, pondering a field of sunflowers.
Another student, took in the whole valley with it's beautiful western exposure.
We had about four hours of painting time and then broke for Tea Time about 4 PM, followed by more painting until sunset when the 'Heaven Rays' faded in the valley. 
Flowers were everywhere, since flowers are grown commercially on the property, along with tomatoes, and  Bonsai Trees.  In between painting, Renee and her husband, John, helped us pick berries to bring home. They couldn't have been more generous.   
Our Tea Break location under the grape arbor.  The whole day seemed like a refreshing step back in time.
The clouds were amazing!
This rooster seemed fascinated by the attention, and poised regally for this photo as I very carefully aimed my camera through the fence.
I can't wait to paint this emerging sunflower.
Renee painted with us, and created two beautiful acrylics during our art time. Doesn't this look very French and idyllic? 
What a perfect day!

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