Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Show and Tell at the Daily Cafe

After the Ex Libris Exhibit, we all went over to the Daily Cafe in the Pearl, for lunch and Show and Tell. I couldn't resist a photo of these beautiful flowers, which would make great watercolor subjects!
The Daily Cafe is a really fun and bustling place. The food is good, atmosphere is friendly, and it's easy on the pocketbook.  I'd recommend it!  We were having so much fun talking, that I didn't take pictures of the food that we ordered, so you'll have to trust me.
The things we do for art!  JoAnn found a dead bird, which she photographed and painted -No, she didn't kill it!
Judy had just returned from an Alaskan cruise, and had some fun things to share.
Dinah and Carol had just returned from Hawaii
 where they had gone with girlfriends, and here, Dinah showed off the cards they made while there.  It sounded like my kind of vacation-paint, beach, drinks with umbrellas, more painting, repeat!
At Joanie's last time, (I missed), the group played with a Wet-on-Wet Watercolor Technique, and showed off the results with these cards.


  1. What a talented group! I love that painting of the dead bird (but sound a little creepy saying so)

  2. Wow, there are some fabulous paintings there! Looks like you had a great time. Stopping by from SITS :)

  3. Beautiful photos. I love the handmade cards. You have such a lovely and inspiring blog. I'm so happy to have found it. I also checked out your ETSY shops - your pieces are so beautiful. Peace. :)

    SITS visiting & blog following. :)


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