Thursday, April 01, 2010

A Perfect Spring Day on the Oregon Coast

We've been spending a fair amount of time on the Oregon Coast lately, trying to get the beach house in shape.  There's been wood blinds to install, furniture to re-upolster, and some painting to do.  These things take some planning to do from two hours away.  However, on a beautiful spring day, it's hard to stay put and not take a drive north to Astoria to visit the thrift shops, and fun restaurants.  On a recent trip, we found the coolest shop, Ambiance, chocked full of great decorating ideas and reasonably priced treasures!  DH, a non-shopper enjoyed browsing and even found a cool clock for his downtown office.  The owner said that they mail order tons of clocks for wedding gifts.  Great idea, since everyone can use a clock!
Displays are changed often and are a real inspiration for me, who is tyring to decorate on a budget in a 'shabby chic' style at the beach.
Below, I couldn't resist a shot of this cool bridge to Long Beach WA.  I love bridges and look forward to painting this one. Recently, I drove across it, and couldn't resist taking some shots.  I don't recommend this, but nobody was on the bridge when I did it, and so I was able to slow down and shoot this:
  Here's a different angle of the bridge. I thought this would be a good watercolor subject. 
 Below,  had to photograph these charming flower stands. They were doing a land office business on this warm spring day.  Many people stopped to support these little roadside vendors.
Did you know that there's several places on the Oregon Coast, where you can actually drive your car on the beach at certain times of the year? 
As Molly and Lulu can attest, it was a dog-gone good day!

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