Friday, March 12, 2010

Watercolor Journey-Show and Tell

It was my turn to host our watercolor meeting.  I had missed our last gathering and it was fun to catch up with my art buddies and see what everyone's been up to.  At our last session (which I missed), everyone taped a photo to a piece of watercolor paper, and then painted an extension of the photo.  Dinah painted a garden scene that reminds me of 'Where's Waldo?'  It's hard to see where her photo ends and the painting begins:
There were lots of "Oohs" and Ah's" as we tried to find the original picture?
Judy shared this photo of branches
This looks like a fun technique to try.
  Below, Joanie, who just returned from Mexico, had a tropical painting to share.  I loved how she used both a dry brush technique and wet brush on wet paper, to give the effect of a breezy sunny day.
Joanie, also shared this great sunflower from Jude Siegel's last class, where everyone used glitter to enhance aspects of their paintings.  Cute idea for a greeting card or tag.
Below, JoAnn shared the detail in her painting of Russian Dolls.  It's hard to imagine that JoAnn never painted before, although her Mom is an artist so it must be in her genes.
When I see her amazing work, I always think she could be an illustrator.  Note the cool borders, which are a often part of her style. 
Below, Roberta and I share our rendition of wine bottles painted from a photograph.  Roberta heard somewhere that it's always better to show the illusion of writing, rather than the words themselves, otherwise the writing is the focal point!   Oops!  I didn't get the does make sense though. 
Roberta used white crayon to keep the white places white. 
If you find yourself in the Portland area between March 29 and April 27th, check out the Docent Art Show.  Judy's awesome original painting was chosen for the invitation!! 

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