Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Watercolor Journey - warm and cool

A lot has happened on my artful journey since I posted on watercolor painting last summer.  I was surprised at how many people were interested  in my post and in keeping a watercolor journal of their own.  I thought it might be interesting to my blog readers if I shared tips from my classes, and my neophyte paintings. I'm convinced that anyone can paint.  You just have to silence your inner 'critical voice' and do something often-everyday is best, even if it's just a small sketch.  The good thing about watercolor is that it's very portable.  You can take a small sketchbook and paint tin with you anywhere.

I signed up for another class this term and the instructor showed us how you can make a whole pallet from 'warm' and 'cool' shades using three colors.  Six paint tubes total.

Yellow:  (warm)  New Gamboge
               (cool)   Hansa Yellow   

Red:       (warm)  Pyrrol Red 
                (cool)   Quinacridone Red

Blue:       (warm) Ultramarine Blue
                (cool)  Phthalo Blue

Santa brought me a gift certificate from the art supply store, so I was able to splurge on some supplies. However,  it was nice to know that if you want to get started without a huge investment, you can start out with six tubes of paint. I was using student grade paints, and both of my recent instructors pointed out that if I was really serious about taking up watercolor it would be a lot less fustrating if I invested in a higher quality paint like Daniel Smith, Winsor Newton or Holbein, so...  The other thing, is to fill up your paint space and not meter out droplets, or as one instructor said "No rat turds!" LOL

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