Friday, September 04, 2009

Jade Teahouse & Patisserie

I didn't really intend for this Blog to have so many restaurant reviews, but I have to share my favorite places! Especially in this economy, when you might not be going out to eat as often as you'd like and you want to have a pleasant experience and great food. Barb is always the 'go-to' person for great restaurants and things to do in Portland, so she has all her friends going to Jade. Since discovering Jade Teahouse last fall, I've been back many times and the food is always fresh and wonderful.

It doesn't hurt either, that the restaurant is very light and beautifully designed and owner April Cuong, is very personable and welcoming. It's one of my destinations when I need to escape the gray Oregon days.
Yesterday Barb and I, had a lunch date with our youngest who are the same age, and heading back to college. Tanner and Katie are more like cousins, having grown up together. It was fun to catch up on the summer's events as they head off to school. It's always so hard to get everyone together with summer activities and work schedules, but it was fun to enjoy a lingering lunch, and share some stories and laughs.

There were so many good choices on the menu, that it was hard to choose, but in the end, Katie and Tanner ordered the Coconut Rice Noodle Soup, which was full of shredded chicken and shrimp

I usually order chicken with vegetables, but....

couldn't resist trying the Stir fried Chicken and Mango dish...yummy!

And Barb ordered this yummy salad with peanut sauce on the side...
Jade is basically a Tea House with great food...the teas are amazing. My favorite is ginger peach- great hot or cold, but there's a wall of teas to choose from.

Of course, you'll have to end you meal with a bite of something sweet. Try splitting a Smore's Cookie, or a piece of their signature Vietnamese Wedding cake. All of their treats are made fresh daily by Eklund Cuong, who owns the restaurant with her daughter April.

Here's to Katie and Tanner (pictured with Barb), who are off to start their sophomore year adventures...

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