Thursday, July 16, 2009

Summer Soup

As the temperature inched over 90' today, I remembered a great soup I got from a cooking class years ago. I remember making it up in a pitcher and chilling for several hours so the flavors could mix. I couldn't find the exact recipe, but this soup is Check Spellingwhat I remember from over twenty years ago. It was great as a first course for a summer dinner party, or a summer meal with french bread and a salad.

1 qt. tomato juice

1 small cucumber, peeled and finely chopped

3 green onions finely chopped

3 stalks celery chopped fine

4 1/2 oz. small salad shrimp

2 Tb. olive oil

2-3 cloves mashed garlic

1 tsp. dill

1/2 tsp Tabasco sauce

1/2 squeezed lime

1 peeled and cubed avocado

mix and chill

Serves 6-8

Top with crumbled feta cheese or croutons

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