Monday, June 15, 2009

Graduation Day

Last Saturday was our son Bryan's, graduation from Eastern Oregon University. Several family members joined us for the ceremony at 10 AM, and the BBQ following. At first, I feared that the graduation ceremony would be rained out as mine was many years ago, when I graduated from Sacramento State. However, eventually the rain subsided, clouds parted, the sun shone, and the proceedings didn't skip a beat. I loved in how the students stood to each side as the professors walked in, and at the recessional, it was reversed. Bryan claims to hate having his picture taken, but how could a proud mom resist capturing these wonderful moments! Bryan graduated with a major in geology, and anthropology.

Now if we could just lose the shades
Bryan with his sister, Katie, who has three years left before her graduation!
It was great day for proud parents!
I think this was Bryan's favorite part of the day, overseeing the BBQ, at the post-grad party. We were lucky that the thunderstorm and rain mostly held off until the party was over.

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